Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life, as I know it.

How exactly is life through the eyes of a seventeen year old?

Well, for starters, I'm not normal. Will never be normal in fact. Normal is BORING. Cliches are a passe a for me.

You may call me the nerd because of my reading habits. You may call me the tomboy because of my obsession with sports. You may call me a spoilt brat for getting into mischief every now and then. I may be the typical girl too, for my obsession with eyeliner and eye make-up. But then again, who are you to judge me?

And what is life according to me? Life is friends and family. Cause they've been there with me throughout. Through thick and thin, they've helped me make it through. Whether it was a scratch from a fall, or a heartbreak. They've been there. I love them.

And from now on, this is going to be my area. My thoughts. My feelings. My life.

So basically, ME.


Franky Vij said...

You're just someone full of thoughts! You want to be somewhere and you just keep on working for it, but then you can't hold it! You're one of a kind who is not open yet! You need time to know yourself! << -- It's my personal opinion about you! No offense.. I love you my dear friend! Tc!:)

Nisarg Malde said...

Good one.
Looking forward to read more of you! :D

Asad said...

Its well written.